Sunday, July 29, 2012

What do you want most from a relationship?

if you are in a relationship, or even just having thoughts about being in a relationship there are things that everyone is looking for:

Loving and committed: You want to be in a loving, committed relationship with a stable partner.

Trust: You want trust in that relationship that flows both ways.  Not just you trusting completely and than it gets shattered and takes forever to rebuild. 

Love and admiration: We all look for love and admiration from the people that we love, especially from the ones' that we have given our hearts too.

Respect: To know that you will be treated with respect in all things.

Want to enjoy being with him: to know that he also enjoys spending time with and looks forward to doing so.

Equal footing: that your relationship can and should be on a equal footing.

Take a look at : Melt Your Mans Heart

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Catchy Title?

Did the title of a book ever catch your interest and yet you couldn't figure out why you should or would want to buy it?  The list below covers some of the reasons other women have tried  Melt Your Man's Heart.  Than the women offer what they have learned from Melt Your Man's Heart

Do you want to be the ONLY woman that he ever wants?

I want to be treated better!

Living with him is like living wth an iceberg, I like the word "Melt", imagine turning that wintery background to something nice, warm and cozy.
Was the title what caught your eye and you are curious? 
Perhaps the idea of reading something that could help get the spark back and make him be excited to be around you?

Maybe you just want to learn more about what makes him tick.

Or your relationship is more friends than lovers and you want to become lovers in every sense of the word. 

Those statements above are only some of the reasons that women before you have bought Melt Your Man's Heart.

Now, what they some of them found as the single most powerful thing they learned:
  • I’m doing too much and turning off my husband
  • I use the wrong tone of voice
  • I learned how my communication to my man is ALL wrong
  • I never knew that MEN actually want to please women, but I’m not allowing him
  • I’m learning that my man finds confidence sexy (I’m learning to become confident)
  • How to become straightforward and honest with him
  • How my communication style in the past has hurt our relationship
Taking for instance, voice, can you close your eyes and imagine one time when someone said something to you differently that you might have responded differently?

The next post will cover, "What do you want the most out of your relationship?".